Friday, November 04, 2011


I have a friend who is writing a daily post on her blog about what she is thankful for each day. I also know of people who are doing this on facebook. I figured I'd jump right in. I know some people might think this is silly or cliche (like my big brother, Zach) but I always feel like Thanksgiving is a little overshadowed by Christmas and this will be a good way to focus on and remember Thanksgiving. Since today is November 4th, I'll write four things I'm thankful for.

#1- Ryan. Man oh man, do I ever love him! We are getting ready to celebrate our fifth anniversary this month and I am so excited. I have these moments sometimes when I look around myself and think about how lucky I am to be living so comfortably in a home with two kids and it wouldn't have happened if it weren't for my hard-working husband. He works so hard for us and does so much for us while also keeping up with his church calling and making time to have fun with the kids and me. Such a great man!

#2- Harper. She is like a little sour patch kid. She does have her sour moments but she is such a sweet little girl.. I remember being pregnant with Rigs and worrying about how she would respond to him. There was almost no jealousy. She loved him so much! She is such a good helper and she is so smart. It is crazy for me to think that she is three years old. She is my little angel and I am so grateful to have her.

#3- Rigley. Our little miracle baby. This little boy is our happy, fun, flexible, strong, super-kid. He is at such a fun age right now. And oh my goodness does this kids love sports. It is definitely in his blood. Have you met my husband? If he sees sports on TV or anything that is remotely round (i.e. pumpkins, apples, etc.) he immediately points and says "BALL." He has quite an arm. His favorite thing to do is play catch/roll. The relationship that he has with his sister is precious. Harper is by far his favorite person. Love that little boy.

#4- First Fridays. Our town does something called First Friday the first Friday of each month. It takes place at the Bentonville square. Today is the last one of the year and it is the Toyland First Friday. A whole bunch of Walmart suppliers come and give a fun preview of what the hot toys are for the year. It's perfect timing with Christmas coming up. There are always fun vendors and shops and music and yummy food and fun stuff for the kids. We love First Friday!

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