Sunday, August 31, 2008

One Word: WOW

For one of my birthday presents, Ryan got me a gift card to a day spa here in Rexburg. (Yeah, we have a day spa, but we don't have a Target). I finally got the courage to be away from Harper for a little over an hour and I went yesterday (Saturday). When I arrived, I filled out some forms where I was able to put where on my body I wanted the massage therapist to focus. I just put my back and neck because I thought that was all she was going to massage anyway. Boy, was I wrong. After filling out the forms, I was shown to the locker room. There was a locker that had my name on it and a really nice robe. I got changed and went into the waiting room. In the waiting room, there were magazines and refreshments (a granola mix, some candy and water). While I was waiting, the receptionist brought in a warm neck wrap for me. It was so nice. After I waited for about 2 or 3 minutes my massage therapist came and got me. She led me into the room and explained that since it was an hour long massage that it was going to be full body. She told me what she was going to do and in what order. She left the room and allowed me to get onto the table. Then she came back in and went to work! She started with my back, neck and shoulders. Then she did the backs of my arms and hands. After that she did the backs of my legs and feet. Then I rolled over and she did the fronts of my legs and feet and the fronts of my arms and hands. And she ended with my neck again. It was incredible!

I must say that if you have never had a massage, you need to get one! I don't necessarily have any ailments that would cause me to actually need one, but it was great nevertheless! I know that I won't be that kind of person who gets one every week or month for that matter, but if we are financially capable, I would like to treat myself to one, maybe every year. The stresses of life can be very tolling and that massage, for me, was very stress-relieving. Oh, and she used massage oils of course. Now, I'm not the kind of person who likes to have oily skin. I don't even like to use lotion that often. But this girl must have used magic oil, because when I came home and took a shower, my skin felt so soft and smooth from that oil. It was remarkable!!!

So, if you have a birthday coming up or something like that, ask for a massage. You won't be sorry!


Sariah said...

Oooh! That does sound nice! Lucky! Jake's mom had gotten a massage out in Madagascar and I guess their full body massage is a FULL body massage.

One of these days I'll hopefully get one!!

Kelly said...

I want a massage!!!

BTW I love the video of little Harper smiling!!! I can't wait to meet her!

~Wyatt~Brittney~Brecken~Oliver~ said...

I went there right before my wedding and I LOVED it! It was fun to feel like royalty for even just an hour!

Cassie said...

Oh isn't Sage so relaxing! I love it there too!