Tuesday, December 25, 2007


So here it is, Christmas Day and Ryan is playing a little game of Madden '08 (a gift from me) and I am on freerice.com. We are getting ready to go to his aunt and uncle's house. I had heard about this website from other people and I had never tried it. I'm sure that everyone who reads this blog already knows about it, since you all are probably more internet savvy than I. Well, anyway, for those of you who haven't heard: It is a website that quizzes you on vocabulary and for every word you get correct they donate either 10 or 20 grains of rice to less fortunate countries through the United Nations. Hopefully it is real, but if it isn't I figure "Hey, I'm improving my vocabulary and all the while maybe I'm feeding one person." I really need to work on my vocabulary so that I can start talking and writing like my big brother, Zach.

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